MTG Jeff: Devastation Elves – Finale of Devastation Ramp Deck in WAR Standard MTG JEFF May 10, 2019 Decklists, Fusion Gaming, MTG Arena, Standard 1 The Finale Cycle brought us a ton of EXCELLENT cards, but not quite as triumphant as Finale of Devastation. It fits perfectly as in this "Elf Ball" ramp deck. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the deck & gameplay be... Read More...
MTG Jeff: Vampire Revival – Orzhov Vampire Aggro Deck in Standard MTG JEFF March 25, 2019 Decklists, Fusion Gaming, MTG Arena, Standard Vampires are still a decent deck in Standard. I think Revival//Revenge can add some consistency to the deck by having "extra" copies of valuable vampires that make their way to the graveyard. Revival brings bac... Read More...