Local Spike Still “had all these” After Crushing EDH Pod in Three Turns Denis Grinko April 15, 2023 The Scoop Despite being asked by absolutely no one, Local hypercompetitive player Sheldon Snarks insisted on explaining to the entire table just how absolutely crushing his hand was after successfully countering half of ... Read More...
Reserved List Cards to be Reprinted on the Blockchain Denis Grinko April 1, 2023 The Scoop In an historic move, WotC has announced that in order to keep up with the latest technology and modern market pressures, it will be putting it's Reserved List onto the blockchain through an innovative, multi-pl... Read More...
St Patrick’s day FNM went as expected Denis Grinko March 19, 2023 The Scoop Green Mana Surges Across the Multiverse This Weekend As the first St Patrick's day since the end of the pandemic fell on a Friday, pubs and game stores alike braced for a busy night. The crucial two-hour windo... Read More...
Orzov Guilds Expecting a Busy Tax Season Following Silicon Valley Bank Crisis Denis Grinko March 19, 2023 The Scoop The Only Certainties in Life Are Death and Taxes and Bank Collapses Several subsidiaries with ties to Orzhov syndicates are experiencing a turbulent week, as their investments in both Izzet engineering startup... Read More...
Largest Ever Mill in MTG History Denis Grinko March 6, 2023 The Scoop I guess things really are bigger in Texas. Over a million cards from Modern Horizons II, Secret Lair, and 30th Anniversary Edition were milled into a Texas discard pile in what can only be described as the b... Read More...
Koth Excited To Be Back After 13 Years on the Bench Denis Grinko March 2, 2023 The Scoop After 13 years in waiting, Koth is finally getting a chance to stretch his legs. We had a chance to catch up with formidable Vulshok at his home in The Furnace Layer. The all-time champ of four-drop red walkers... Read More...