Commander Cookout Podcast, Ep 256: Forgotten Realms Precon Review Commander Cookout July 27, 2021 Commander, Commander Cookout CCO's final week of Forgotten Realms reviews is now! Join us to hear our full thoughts on the Forgotten Realms Commander precon decks, new cards, reprints and the color white's achievements! Huge thank you t... Read More...
Commander Cookout Podcast, Ep 255: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Review Commander Cookout July 20, 2021 Commander, Commander Cookout This week, we discuss everything from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms. Cards, art, showcase frames, flavor and of course, our favorite cards to slap lips with! Join us as we swoon. Huge thank you to our s... Read More...
Commander Cookout Podcast, Ep 254: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Legendary Review w/ D&D Lore Commander Cookout July 13, 2021 Commander, Commander Cookout Join us as we kick off a new campaign and head into The Forgotten Realms! We start off with some initial thoughts and cover the cards and D&D lore behind a ton of the new legendary creatures from Adventures... Read More...
Commander Cookout Podcast, Ep 253: The Art of Theme Decks w/ Liliana and Zombies Commander Cookout July 6, 2021 Commander, Commander Cookout, Decklists This week's CCO adventure crams as many Liliana's as we could find. And zombies. And then, more Lilianas! Come see if we spread ourselves too thin, again. Or, did we strike the perfect balance of theme, power l... Read More...
Commander Cookout Podcast, Ep 252: The Art of Deckbuilding Bonus Show Commander Cookout July 3, 2021 Commander, Commander Cookout June's bonus episode of CCO is all about the art of deck building. How to make a pile of 100 cards into a piece of art that you are proud of, a thing that is special and you cherish. And, how to make it a shinn... Read More...
Commander ad Populum Ep 110: Princess Twilight Sparkle Decktech Ryan Peneff January 29, 2021 Commander, Commander ad Populum Welcome to another deck tech for the people, by the people, for the people! Now, officially on YouTube! Head over and check things out. There're decktechs, altered-art card tutorials and the first episodes of C... Read More...
Commander ad Populum Ep 87: How to be a Content Creator Ryan Peneff October 7, 2020 Commander, Commander Cookout Welcome to another very special episode of Commander ad Populum. Commander for the people, by the people, for the people. We've got a double hit of community this week. In the first half of the Commu... Read More...