Channel Nikachu: Merfolk’s Time to Tempo-Out the Competition Nikachu August 19, 2021 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Modern In addition to Merfolk's tempo creatures, Dismember is a mana-efficient removal spell to keep up with the mana efficiency of the Modern format (Ragavan, DRC, Hammer Time). Slow them down and race them out... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Mono-Blue Merfolk Control Nikachu August 12, 2021 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Modern If you can't race them, change strategy. Merfolk can be outraced by many decks, so you have to slow them down to your speed. With Harbinger of the Tides, Trickster, Dismember, and Glasspool to copy ou... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Modern Chalice Merfolk vs Combo Decks Nikachu August 7, 2021 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Modern Combo, Hammer Time, and Dragon's Rage Channeler decks have overwhelmed the metagame that even DRC decks run Chalice in the sideboard! Don't leave your home without Chalice of the Void. ... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: No Lord of Atlantis Merfolk: MHayashi’s Deck Nikachu August 5, 2021 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Modern Merfolk Master, MHayashi, has lost his mind. He removed Lord of Atlantis from Merfolk to fit in more interaction like Spreading Seas to have 8 Seas effects for those nasty Urza's Sagas. Will it work? ... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: $100 Budget Modern Merfolk Deck with Svyelun! Nikachu August 3, 2021 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Modern Want to get into Modern on a budget? Merfolk is a great deck and got some upgrades from Modern Horizons 2 like Mishra's Factory and Svyelun of Sea and Sky! Start playing Modern today with the fish! ... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Mono-Blue Merfolk with Chalice of the Void Maindeck | MH2 Metagame Nikachu August 1, 2021 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Modern The metagame has become very mana-efficient with Ragavan decks and Food decks—not to mention Combo decks with 0-mana cards; Living End, Glimpse of Tomorrow. Time to crack out our Chalice and hose them! ... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Simic Merfolk with Repeal Nikachu July 29, 2021 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Modern Compete with Construct tokens, Asmorano, Germ tokens, Food tokens, and 1-mana creatures by tempoing them out with Repeal in Merfolk! Lands4 x Botanical Sanctum3 x Cavern of Souls3... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Simic Merfolk Goes 5-0 Thanks to MH2 Cards! Nikachu July 18, 2021 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Modern Merfolk is back on the map thanks to the upgrades to Modern Horizons 2! Svyelun, Tide Shaper, Suspend, and Cursed Totem have made the deck competitive and Nikachu shows off its power with this 5-0, the ... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Modern Merfolk, But Like a Well-Played Game of Chess Nikachu July 15, 2021 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Modern Merfolk, as always, is rewarding if you play it carefully and patiently, like chess. In this league we draw a lot of parallels between Modern MTG and chess! Lands2 x Cavern of... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Modern Merfolk’s Tide Shapers Spread the Seas! Nikachu July 10, 2021 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Modern Tide Shaper is a big UPGRADE to the Modern Merfolk deck. Spreading Seas is nice, but it generally is a waste of tempo, especially if the opponent can ignore the Seas effect. However, Tide Shaper is a Sp... Read More...