Modern Musings: A Reason to Believe in Miracles Michael Shapiro July 23, 2017 Modern Musings Hey everybody! Welcome to another Modern Musings! This week we are going to continue to look into the viability of cards from Hour of Devastation in modern. More specifically, we are going to be looking at tw... Read More...
Modern Musings: Decks of Devastation Michael Shapiro July 16, 2017 Modern Musings 2 Hour of Devastation is finally here, and that means it's time for brewers everywhere to show off their shiny new decklists. Two weeks ago we looked at my picks for the cards that most interested me from Hour o... Read More...
Modern Musings: Saheeli in Modern? Michael Shapiro July 9, 2017 Modern Musings Hey guys, and welcome to another Modern Musings, I hope you had a good prerelease weekend if you attended an event. I had some family in town, so I spent time with them instead of going to a prerelease. With t... Read More...
Modern Musings: Hour of Devastation Cards of Interest Michael Shapiro July 2, 2017 Modern Musings Hey everyone, welcome to another Modern Musings, this week I'm going to take a look at all the juicy cards that Hour of Devastation has to offer modern. Then after I've gone through all the cards, I'm going to... Read More...
Modern Musings: The State of Modern Post GP Vegas Michael Shapiro June 25, 2017 Modern Musings Hey all, and welcome to another Modern Musings, where this week we're going to talk about what the modern metagame looks like after GP Vegas, and which decks I think gained stock and which lost stock in our pos... Read More...
Modern Musings: GP Vegas Tournament Report Michael Shapiro June 19, 2017 Modern Musings Hey guys, welcome to another Modern Musings, this week I'm going to give you my GP Vegas tournament report for Modern. First things first, I ended up playing Todd Steven's list of Eldrazi Tron which you can ... Read More...
Modern Musings: Alcatraz Michael Shapiro June 11, 2017 Modern Musings Hey guys, This week on Modern musings, I’m going to be introducing you to the last couple of prison decks that I’m going do be doing for a while, starting with the one I teased last week, Alcatraz. What is... Read More...
Modern Musings: Trouble with Trinisphere Michael Shapiro June 4, 2017 Modern Musings This week on Modern musings I’m going to walk you through my journey to try and brew a competitively viable Trinisphere deck and the lessons I learned while trying to do it. What does Trinisphere do? ... Read More...
Modern Musings: Top 5 Underutilized Hate Cards in Modern Michael Shapiro May 28, 2017 Modern Musings What would modern be without its hate cards? They can define and sometimes even warp the meta game. This week we are going to be looking at some modern hate cards that I think see less play than they should. ... Read More...
Modern Musings: GP Vegas and the Modern Metagame Michael Shapiro May 21, 2017 Modern Musings 4 Welcome to another Modern Musings, this week we are going to do something a bit different and talk about the current modern meta-game with respect to the field of decks most likely to pop up at the modern porti... Read More...