Channel Nikachu: Vial-less Izzet Merfolk Nikachu March 12, 2020 Channel Nikachu, Decklists We run back Vial-less Izzet Merfolk to see how good cards like Cryptic Command, Lightning Bolt, and The Royal Scions are for the archetype! The deck that went 5-0 is still showing results. The Royal Scions is... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Thassa’s Oracle in Pioneer Wizards Nikachu March 8, 2020 Channel Nikachu, Decklists Today we test Thassa's Oracle in Pioneer Wizards! Thassa's Oracle will help on defense, add devotion, and find our more powerful spells! But will the time spent to cast a 1/3 creature be fast enough in Pion... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Thassa and Mire Triton in ACTION! Nikachu March 5, 2020 Channel Nikachu, Decklists Time to try out Thassa, Deep-Dwelling and Mire Triton, the new Theros Beyond Death cards, to see how they splash in Modern Merfolk! Thassa, Deep Dwelling has the potential to grind value by blinking Silvergil... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Merfolk WITHOUT Aether Vial 5-0! Nikachu February 27, 2020 Channel Nikachu, Decklists Today we try Modern Merfolk WITHOUT Aether Vial. Sound crazy? Does a 5-0 with Izzet Merfolk sound crazy to you? With More mana we can utilize Cryptic Command to tap the opponent's creatures and counter spells! ... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Mono Blue Wizards goes 5-0! Nikachu February 23, 2020 Channel Nikachu, Decklists We go back with Naban for that double-trigger value. Wizards continues to improve in strategy and card choices. Chainwhirler decks are difficult to beat, so Cerulean Drake has been a welcome addition to survive... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Pioneer Wizards with Leyline of Anticipation Nikachu February 20, 2020 Channel Nikachu, Decklists The search for the perfect Wizards list continues with the addition of Leyline of Anticipation. This leyline allows us to play all our Wizards, including Master of Waves, at flash speed. The bonus of devotion o... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: RB Goblins featuring Goblin King! Nikachu February 17, 2020 Channel Nikachu, Decklists Cover: Rainer Petter The King has returned, the Goblin King. Most Goblin decks are all in, get the creatures on the battlefield and win before turn 4. But what if we played a slower, more resilient version w... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Mono-Blue Naban Wizards Nikachu February 13, 2020 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Pioneer Pioneer Wizards is here. Double the triggers, double the fun with Naban, Dean of Iteration. Naban Wizards in Pioneer can tap two creatures with Merfolk Trickster, bounce two with Harbinger of the Tides, tap dow... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Simic Merfolk without Oko Nikachu February 8, 2020 Channel Nikachu, Decklists Playing Oko, Thief of Crowns in Simic Merfolk required a painful manabase, shocklands, and fetchlands. Today, Dismember is very well positioned, but I don't want to take extra damage from my lands. Now, post-Ok... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Mono-Green Vial Elves Nikachu February 6, 2020 Channel Nikachu, Decklists This isn't your usual Elf deck, this is Aggro Elves playing Aether Vial. Most elf decks are combo decks, relying on a lot of mana and winning with Ezuri. The problem with these decks, is if the creatures all di... Read More...