Channel Nikachu: Mono-Green Vial Elves Nikachu February 6, 2020 Channel Nikachu, Decklists This isn't your usual Elf deck, this is Aggro Elves playing Aether Vial. Most elf decks are combo decks, relying on a lot of mana and winning with Ezuri. The problem with these decks, is if the creatures all di... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Simic Merfolk in Pioneer! Nikachu January 30, 2020 Channel Nikachu, Decklists The search for the Right Merfolk deck in Pioneer continues. Now we go Simic with Kiora's Follower to ramp into a Collected Company on turn 3! Kiora's Follower can also untap creatures to make surprise blockers.... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Angel Tron Nikachu January 26, 2020 Channel Nikachu, Decklists Angels + Tron = Angel Tron. Quite possibly the most ambitious Tron deck to date, this deck attempts to power out traditional Angels like Lyra Dawnbringer and Baneslayer Angel and unique angels such as Platinum ... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: $100 Budget Mono-Blue Merfolk Nikachu January 23, 2020 Channel Nikachu, Decklists Want to get into Modern without breaking your wallet? Start your journey with Merfolk! This budget deck is semi-competitive, able to grind at a casual level, and will suit your needs for beating today's metagam... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Pioneer Hardened Scales Merfolk Nikachu January 19, 2020 Channel Nikachu, Decklists What do you get when you combine Merfolk with Hardened Scales? You make Gigantic Merfolk! Get synergy from Merfolk Branchwalker, Deeproot Elite, Jadelight Ranger and friends to grow enormous and overpower the o... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Interactive Mono-Blue Merfolk Nikachu January 16, 2020 Channel Nikachu, Decklists I'm still on mono blue and I'm heavy on interaction. Playing Dismember for Gilded Goose, Urza, Elk Tokens, Eldrazi, Emry, and Gurmag Angler, this card basically answers every important threat in Modern. Deprive... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Mono-Blue Merfolk with… Repeal? Nikachu January 2, 2020 Channel Nikachu, Decklists Merfolk has been reimagined recently by a user: MHayashi. Today we pilot MHayashi's take on Modern Merfolk which features Repeal to bounce our opponent's permanents or save our own without losing on card advant... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Once Upon a Time + Veil of Summer + Merfolk = ??? Nikachu December 26, 2019 Channel Nikachu Once Upon a Time and Veil of Summer are banned in Standard; are they worth in Modern Merfolk? Once Upon a Time can increase the number of keepable hands and help dig to find a suitable one drop creature like Ku... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Ongoing Investigation Merfolk! Nikachu December 19, 2019 Channel Nikachu Ongoing Investigations followed up with Oko, Thief of Crowns means you're making an Elk army every turn. We ramp into Oko on turn two or Coco on turn three thanks to Noble Heirarch. This Merfolk deck takes a wi... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Oko in Modern Simic Merfolk Nikachu December 12, 2019 Channel Nikachu Simic Merfolk has enjoyed a new addition to their toolbox: Oko, Thief of Crowns. Thanks to Oko, Burn is no longer a bad matchup for the Simic Merfolk deck that takes a lot of damage from their lands. Oko gives ... Read More...