Hello and welcome to another very special episode of Commander ad Populum! Commander for the people, by the people, for the people.

If this is your first CadPop Cast, welcome! My name is Ryan. Each week, I have a community-submitted topic pertaining to some hot topic in the Commander world. Following that, I delve into the technical section of the show: a quick look at some game rules or how to sharpen an edge, in-game. Finally, each episode concludes with an MtG set retrospective. A mini set review from a set in Magic‘s past.

Today’s community section is combined with the technical section. I’ll be covering the recent announcement of the London Mulligan and it’s effects on Commander.

Today’s set retrospective: The Dark! One of my favorite sets of all time.


If you’d like to give me your thoughts on the London Mulligan or on The Dark, hit me up on Twitter @CadPopCast or on Facebook by seraching Commander ad Populum.

If you’d like to support the show, beyond just listening, you can do so here: https://www.patreon.com/CadPopCast


Big thank you to my new sponsors, Fusion Gaming for making this episode, and future episodes possible!

They can be found online at:


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