14803296_10154534590845535_1821981521_o   1st Place: Danny Martens

Deck: GB Delirium

Record after swiss: 6-0-1

Anything you would have changed? Absolutely nothing. This deck is the by product of countless hours of rigorous testing using the sacred team UUD methodology of deck brewing. This list is perfection.

14859460_10154534590485535_112942899_o 2nd Place: Justin Deleau

Deck: BR Zombie Madness

Record after Swiss: 5-1-1

Anything you would have changed? Maybe add a lunch break? Or sell drinks?

14859504_10154534591795535_302931198_o 3rd Place: Jon White

Deck: Temur EneRGy

Record after Swiss: 5-0-2

Anything you would have changed? Add the 4th Bristling Hydra. Less ceremonious rejections in the sideboard.

14894471_10154534591150535_2065021823_o 4th Place: Matt Devlin

Deck: RB Aggro

Record after Swiss: 6-1

Anything you would have changed? Play 1-2 To the Slaughter in the side board to kill Bristling Hydra. Cut the Bloodhall Priest, maybe just play BR Control basically.

14813318_10154534591770535_686333451_o 5th Place: Joey Hayes

Deck: Mardu Vehicles

Record after Swiss: 5-0-2

Anything you would have changed? Maybe find room for a 2nd Gideon in the main. Deck feels good though, with few mana troubles. I would probably just run it back.

14881732_10154534673540535_222948696_o 6th Place: Mike Putz

Deck: RB Zombie Madness

Record after Swiss: 5-1-1

Anything you would have changed? Nothing in the maindeck. Key to the city was an important hedge vs GB Delirium.

14858636_10154534591745535_1304947910_o 7th Place: Cam Platt

Deck: RW Vehicles

Record after Swiss: 5-1-1

Anything you would have changed? Not a thing, deck felt amazing, this list put together by my pal, Austen Hoey was very tight.

14881497_10154534591695535_1088806711_o 8th Place: Chris Merkl

Deck: 4 Colour Aggro

Record after swiss: 5-1-1

Anything you would have changed? Add a lunch break to the tournament.


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