Pauper Ponderings: Dinosaurs! Austen Hoey February 16, 2018 Pauper Ponderings We’ve finally arrived at Dinosaurs! Will these famous reptiles bring has back to the Jurassic Period, or will a meteor take them out once and for all? You”ll have to watch to find out! Enrage enablers like Flame Jab and Tilonalli’s Crown look to make our Dinosaurs mad enough to stomp out our opponents. 4 x Search for Tomorrow4 x Sakura Tribe Elder2 x Lightning Bolt2 x Flame Jab3 x Rancor4 x Tilonalli’s Crown3 x Ravenous Daggertooth4 x Frilled Deathspitter4 x Imperiosaur3 x Overgrown Armisaur2 x Sun-Crowned Hunters 4 x Commune with Dinosaurs4 x Ash Barrens4 x Evolving Wilds8 x Forest (347)5 x Mountain (343)Sideboard (15)4 x Pyroblast3 x Electrickery2 x Gorilla Shaman3 x Fog3 x Prey Upon Buy This List If you want to see more Pauper Ponderings, click here! Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName Email Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ