This week on Pauper Ponderings we take a trip off the beaten path and go hang with the Lumberjacks!



Lumberjacks by /u/Iceblue


4 Responses

  1. alex

    I never felt comfortable with lumberjack because it could wreck my ability to just play natural 4 mana beater and keep chaining dudes together. having sequences where you can get Keldon Marauder and some other 3 power 2 mana guy attacking on turn 2 or 3 from a saced Servant, then when Marauder dies naturally you’re generally at a point where you have 4 mana pretty easy to just keep playing fattys and the pressure is too much for a lot of decks. Delve creatures could be a thing too as you will naturally put cards in your yard and Hooting Mandrils is pretty easy to get down to 2ish mana so it can come out hasted from the Servant with something else. being a fan of gruul decks, I’d love to see this be a thing. Wilds or Expanse might be a better call than barrens since those fetch lands leave the battlefield and trigger revolt. the 2/2 reach + card guy looks kind of meh. Petal looks like it would just be so perfect for Lifecraft Cavalry. Simian Spirit guide is also super clutch for a sneaky Apostle’s Blessing of your own when it looks like you’re tapped out………as you found out Apostle’s blessing is a thing. 🙂

    • Austen Hoey

      apostle’s blessing is definitely a thing! lol Yeah i agree, lumberjack is super explosive but can backfire quickly

  2. alex

    Really liked this one as I am a huge fan of Generator Servant. I mostly play standard pauper and tried to make GS work while it was in the standard arc, but, there weren’t any great beefy creatures to work with at the time. I had always wanted to do something with him and just never found the time to lock into a deck. Here is a link to an old post of mine where I was working on something. During my brief testing for this I cam to the conclusion that GS works really well with creatures that have a good amount of colorless mana in their casting cost because you can split GS mana between two creatures to make the both hasty. For example Keldon Marauder and another 2 mana 3/2 creature will get you two hasty guys attacking. It’s also not a bad play to turn 1 Tinder Wall, sac to play GS so you have potentially 4 mana open to you on turn 2. Lotus Petal and Simian Spirit Guide help smooth things out for you and now with the printing of Lifecraft Cavalry, I think this style of deck has a shot. I think where it can get difficult to play is that it feels like it should be an aggro/beatdown deck and it’s probably closer to combo if you’re looking to land that fatty. I found the biggest problem was black removal and found a decent solution by upping my creature count to flex the deck into a straight up curved out aggro deck when I face control or heavy removal. Temur Battle Rage and Outworldly Outbusrt seem like they would be worth testing. I really hope I can find the time to revisit this one since I really like just slamming down a fatty and daring my opponent to deal with it.

    • Austen Hoey

      Yeah, not going to lie this deck was a ton of fun to play. I will definitely revisit it at some point. I agree it feels more combo than anything and maybe petal is the better option. As, lumberjack did die alot, really happy you enjoyed it.


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