Pauper Ponderings: Mono Red Ponza Austen Hoey September 28, 2018 Pauper Ponderings 1 Hey everyone! After a bit of a summer break I’m back with an extremely spicy brew. Using the full 12 land destruction spells, powered out by Burning Tree Emissary and Simian Spirit Guide we are looking to deny our opponents the resources to cast and spells while we deplete their life total using Curse of the Pierced Heart and any random 2/2s we have in play. Playing red gives us access to some of the best removal spells in the format like firebolt and lightning bolt. Also rounding out our Sideboard with cards like Pyroblast, Electrickery, and Gorilla Shaman. This deck was a blast to play, I’d definitely recommend it for your next local pauper Tournament! 4 x Burning-Tree Emissary4 x Simian Spirit Guide3 x Dangerous Wager4 x Lightning Bolt4 x Stone Rain4 x Molten Rain4 x Pillage4 x Firebolt4 x Faithless Looting4 x Curse of the Pierced Heart 4 x Forgotten Caves17 x Mountain (343)Sideboard (15)3 x Electrickery3 x Gorilla Shaman1 x Flame Slash2 x Lightning Axe3 x Pyroblast2 x Relic of Progenitus1 x Pristine Talisman Buy This List If you’d like to see more Pauper Ponderings, click here! One Response Alex October 4, 2018 Trick question. I watched re-runs of PP of course. Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName Email Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ