Pauper Ponderings: Tournament of Champions – Greedy Jund Austen Hoey March 2, 2018 Pauper Ponderings Damned Cycling set the bar pretty Damn high last week. Will this fixture of the Modern format be able to put up similar results? We'll have to wait and see. Also, I announce the winner of the Ponder Print Give ... Read More...
Pauper Ponderings: Greedy Jund Austen Hoey December 1, 2016 Pauper Ponderings 4 This week on Pauper Ponderings we're slowing it down from last week, and instead of going for interesting interactions and kooky combos, we're going for the mother of all things good stuff. Jund! But not just a... Read More...
Greedy Jund The Mana Base November 1, 2016 Pauper Greedy Jund by Austen Hoey 4 x Putrid Leech2 x Sakura-Tribe Elder3 x Phyrexian Rager2 x Wickerbough Elder2 x Gurmag Angler1 x Disfigure2 x Flame Slash4 x Lightning Bolt2 x Chainer’s Edict1 x Echoing Decay1 x... Read More...