MTG Jeff: Grixis Discard – UBR Nicol Bolas Superfriends Deck in WAR Standard MTG JEFF May 21, 2019 Decklists, Fusion Gaming, MTG Arena, Standard 1 This started out as just a Dimir Saheeli Discard deck and turned into Grixis pretty quickly. I think the Dimir version would still be fun, but this one is EPIC! I hope you enjoy the deck & gameplay! MTG Je... Read More...
Jester’s ReCap 23: More Bolas Biography, Card Warping Caught, Worlds Blake Treleaven July 3, 2018 Jester's reCap Hello again Magic Community, Welcome once again to the Jester's ReCap, a place to catch up on all the latest Magic News without trying very hard, so long as your standards are low enough. It's been a slow st... Read More...