Commander ad Populum Ep 91: Slimefoot, the Stowaway Decktech Ryan Peneff October 25, 2020 Commander, Commander ad Populum Welcome to another deck tech for the people, by the people, for the people! Big thank you to new sponsors of the CadPop Deck Techs, Fusion Gaming Online! Find them here: This we... Read More...
MTG Jeff: ABZAN SAPROCRATS – (WBG) Modervine Reclamation Deck in M20 Standard MTG JEFF July 25, 2019 Decklists, Fusion Gaming, MTG Arena, Standard This is a SWEET deck that my friend Jon built for me. I hope you enjoy the deck & gameplay! Azban Saprocrats Creatures2 x Sporecrown Thallid2 x Cruel Celebrant2 x Corpse Knight3 x Deathbloom Thall... Read More...