Channel Nikachu: 5-0 Mono Blue Merfolk ft. Kira Great Glass Spinner Nikachu October 6, 2021 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Modern Merfolk tactically grinds out a 5-0 featuring the new Kira tech. How beneficial was she for the victory? You be the judge! Lands4 x Cavern of Souls9 x Island (213)1 x Minamo, Scho... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Simic Merfolk ft. Kira, Great Glass Spinner Nikachu September 25, 2021 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Modern Kira is returning to Modern Merfolk to fight against all the removal and value coming from decks like Elementals. The opponent will be forced to 2-for-1 themselves, evening the odds. Is Simic the best f... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Svyelun Leads Merfolk in Historic! Nikachu September 23, 2021 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Historic Svyelun is a huge addition to Merfolk in Historic; a Collected Company target that can be indestructible and draw cards. Everything Merfolk needed to become tier 1! Deck 4 Kumena's Spe... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Shoreline Scout Finds Historic Merfolk Tropical Island! Nikachu September 19, 2021 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Historic Shoreline Scout is better than anyone anticipated as it's new conjour ability turns lands or Merfolk into Tropical Islands. This helps us keep more 1 land hands, play less lands, and fix our mana in hand.... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Historic Merfolk UPGRADED with Jumpstart Nikachu September 16, 2021 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Historic Merfolk is one of the hottest decks in Historic thanks to many upgrades like Master of the Pearl Trident, Svyelun, and Historic-exclusive Shoreline Scout. Let's see an initial build in action! ... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Simic Merfolk with ENDURANCE Maindeck Nikachu September 8, 2021 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Modern Merfolk goes back to experiment with Modern Horizon 2 cards that have been left unplaytested. Endurance is one of the best new graveyard-hate cards; a free spell that is an affordable big creature to wi... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Simic Merfolk with Repeal Nikachu July 29, 2021 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Modern Compete with Construct tokens, Asmorano, Germ tokens, Food tokens, and 1-mana creatures by tempoing them out with Repeal in Merfolk! Lands4 x Botanical Sanctum3 x Cavern of Souls3... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Simic Merfolk Goes 5-0 Thanks to MH2 Cards! Nikachu July 18, 2021 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Modern Merfolk is back on the map thanks to the upgrades to Modern Horizons 2! Svyelun, Tide Shaper, Suspend, and Cursed Totem have made the deck competitive and Nikachu shows off its power with this 5-0, the ... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Simic Merfolk UPGRADED with Modern Horizons 2 Nikachu July 1, 2021 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Modern Simic Merfolk gets a new 1-drop to keep up it's aggressive draw with Tide Shaper, it can be a Spreading Seas on turn 2 or just an aggro start on turn 1. Simic also lacks late game grind, but Svyelun s... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Running Back Decisive Denial in Historic Merfolk Nikachu June 17, 2021 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Historic Be prepared for Ultimatum decks and Thassa's Oracle combos with Decisive Denial in Historic Merfolk! Creature1 x Benthic Biomancer4 x Mistcaller4 x Kumena's Speaker4 x Merfolk Trickster4 x Si... Read More...