Why We Play: Johnny Steven Hamonic November 29, 2016 Why We Play After discussing the motivations behind why Timmy plays last week, I figured we should continue with another player archetype this week. We’re going to be examining how Johnny finds fun in Magic: the Gathering... Read More...
Why We Play: Commander Steven Hamonic November 8, 2016 Why We Play It’s time to do some more testing to see if our theory that "Magic is the most fun game" holds any weight! This week, with the upcoming release of “Commander 2016” and its 4 colour madness, we’re going to exam... Read More...
Why We Play: Episode 1 Steven Hamonic October 16, 2016 Why We Play Why we Play Hi there, I’m Steven Hamonic- I’m an avid Magic player, I’ve been playing the game for over 12 years, trying as many cards, decks, and formats as I can get my hands on- I even helpe... Read More...