Commander ad Populum, Ep 292 – Cut Cards for Removal – Part 1 Ryan Peneff June 6, 2024 Commander, Commander ad Populum This week, I begin the process of going through every one of my Commander decks to cut one card in favor of an additional removal spell. In doing so, I'm hoping to keep my decks on the same level as other decks... Read More...
Commander ad Populum, Ep 222: De-tuning Decks to Play Them More Often Ryan Peneff January 11, 2023 Commander, Commander ad Populum This week, I take a look at a listener email and outline the ways he detuned a Commander deck as a means to play it more often. I relate his experience to my own Balthor the Defiled deck and how it was getting ... Read More...
Into the Arena: Kasmina Gets an Upgrade Dawson Reynolds July 1, 2022 Decklists, Into the Arena It's the dog days of summer, and most competitive formats are pretty quiet right now. Standard has had Streets of New Capenna for some time now, and won't be getting any new cards for a few months still. Histor... Read More...
Commander Cookout Podcast, Ep 309: When Cards Become Outdated Commander Cookout May 28, 2022 Commander, Commander Cookout Over the last few weeks, we've been highlighting what we think our best secrets of Commander are. Today, we cap things off by discussing when it's OK, or not OK, to update decks. Why should we do it? Why should... Read More...
Into the Arena: Tuning Ninjas and Enchantments! Dawson Reynolds February 25, 2022 Decklists, Into the Arena Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty has been out on Arena for a little while now and its impact on Standard is starting to be seen. It seems that the metagame has changed quite a bit in the last few weeks, and a number of n... Read More...
Into the Arena: I Got the Mono-Blues Dawson Reynolds October 1, 2021 Decklists, Historic, Into the Arena, MTG Arena I typically try to jump between a variety of decks and formats when I play Magic. I always play some Limited, some Historic, and some Standard, and usually even other formats like Brawl, Commander, and special ... Read More...
Commander ad Populum Ep 60 – vEDH and Community Deck Suggestions Ryan Peneff May 27, 2020 Commander ad Populum Welcome to another very special episode of Commander ad Populum. Commander for the people, by the people, for the people. For this week's Community section, I want to know: what's been keeping everyo... Read More...
Commander ad Populum Ep 27 – Make a Plan Ryan Peneff October 30, 2019 Commander ad Populum Welcome to another very special episode of Commander ad Populum. Commander for the people, by the people, for the people. This week, I discuss making sure everyone has the same expectations when star... Read More...