Haven’t converted to Simic Merfolk yet? That’s okay because Mono Blue Merfolk is still competitive in Modern! Benthic Biomancer and Merrow Reejerey return to the archetype as our aggressive creatures. We even bring back old favourites like Master of Waves to beat the Moon Red Prowess decks and revived Jund decks. If you run mono blue, you can still hang in Modern!

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Check out my Merfolk card Primers!

Ep.1 Spreading Seas https://youtu.be/nt406K0hJnw
Ep.2 Aether Vial https://youtu.be/dRI_2MiOU5U
Ep.3 Cursecatcher https://youtu.be/2AR4f4ZoOBk
Ep.4 Utility Lands https://youtu.be/qdTSuDxtlxE


Merfolk in Competitive REL!

Merfolk in Competitve REL Pt.1: https://youtu.be/s_4IYwtkcb0
Check out the sequel!: Merfolk in Competitive REL Pt.2


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