Channel Nikachu: Legacy Merfolk. No Chalice. No True-Name Nemesis! Nikachu September 9, 2020 Channel Nikachu It’s time for Merfolk to jump back into Legacy! This time with huge changes: No True-Name Nemesis and no Chalice of the Void. True-Name Nemesis might be considered the best Merfolk of all time, but it is VERY vulnerable to Plague Engineer. My replacement is Merrow Reejerey, another lord to get out of range of Plague Engineer and to race combo decks. Chalice of the Void is too slow and narrow, plus it can be easily answered by Oko. The replacement is Spell Pierce. A reliable counterspell that is likely to connect with something. It’s time to dive back into Legacy with Merfolk! Lands (20)4 x Cavern of Souls4 x Mutavault – Full Art Champs Promo12 x Snow-Covered Island Creatures (26)4 x Cosi’s Trickster4 x Silvergill Adept2 x Harbinger of the Tides4 x Lord of Atlantis4 x Master of the Pearl Trident4 x Merfolk Trickster4 x Merrow Reejerey Other (14)4 x Aether Vial – Foil3 x Relic of Progenitus3 x Smuggler’s Copter4 x Force of Will Sideboard4 x Spell Pierce2 x Boomerang2 x Back to Basics4 x Dismember2 x Grafdigger’s Cage1 x Relic of Progenitus Buy This List Legacy Merfolk Evolved for the 2020 Metagame! Cursecatcher has been bad in legacy for years. The combo decks have too much mana and the Delver decks are too mana efficient. Is it time for Cosi’s Trickster? A 1-drop Merfolk that progressively gets larger as the opponent fetches lands. Let’s try it out! Thanks for tuning in. Support me on Patreon to have access to the Merfolk Strategy Guide! 🙂 Like me on Facebook! Twitter: @nikachumtg Instagram: nikachumtg Check out my Merfolk card Primers! Ep.1 Spreading Seas Ep.2 Aether Vial Ep.3 Cursecatcher Ep.4 Utility Lands Merfolk in Competitive REL! Merfolk in Competitve REL Pt.1: Check out the sequel!: Merfolk in Competitive REL Pt.2… Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName Email Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ