Channel Nikachu: Massive Elf Tier List! Nikachu June 11, 2024 Channel Nikachu With a long and storied history in MTG, we've got almost TWO HOURS of Elves for ya! Get your MTG singles from FUSION GAMING ... Read More...
Into the Arena: Ezuri Elves in EDH! Dawson Reynolds March 25, 2022 Commander Recently I’ve made some new Magic-playing friends, and I have started using Spelltable to be able to play from a convenient and safe distance. This means that for the first time in years I have been playing Mag... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Mono-Green Elves Stompy Nikachu January 6, 2022 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Modern Elves loves going combo, but what about all those great Elves that just want to beat the opponent down with brute force like Steel Leaf Champion? This winter, we try them out in a Mono-Green Green Elf S... Read More...
Into the Arena: Bringing Legacy to Historic Dawson Reynolds June 25, 2021 Decklists, Historic, Into the Arena, MTG Arena Historic, Arena's eternal format, has been drawing a lot of comparisons to Legacy in recent days. Although Historic doesn’t have a decades-old card pool with some of the most powerful cards ever printed, the co... Read More...
Kaldheim Commander Decklists Ian Mikita January 24, 2021 Commander, Decklists Pick them up HERE! Phantom Premonition Commander (1)1 x Ranar the Ever-Watchful - Foil Creatures (31)1 x Angel of Finality1 x Angel of Serenity1 x Arcane Artisan1 x Brago, King Eternal1 x Burnished H... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: I “Fixed” Goblins Nikachu January 11, 2021 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Modern Goblins has been re-imagined. This goblin deck plays more lords to protect themselves from Lava Dart, and Blood Moon to hose greedy manabases while enabling mountainwalk for the Goblin King! ... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Santa’s Little Warrior Elves Nikachu January 2, 2021 Channel Nikachu, Decklists, Modern For this holiday season we're running a fresh take on Elves using Bramblewood Paragon. Most Elves are Warriors and will benefit from getting buffed; protecting from Lava Dart, Walking Ballista, and Plag... Read More...
Channel Nikachu: Mono-Green Vial Elves Nikachu February 6, 2020 Channel Nikachu, Decklists This isn't your usual Elf deck, this is Aggro Elves playing Aether Vial. Most elf decks are combo decks, relying on a lot of mana and winning with Ezuri. The problem with these decks, is if the creatures all di... Read More...