Channel Nikachu: Mono U Tempo (Part 3 of 3) Nikachu May 2, 2019 Channel Nikachu Legacy, Modern and trolls — Oh, my! Merfolk in Legacy WITHOUT True-Name Nemesis or Chalice of the Void! Legacy Merfolk is perfectly playable, but do you need True-Name Nemesis and Chalice of the Void? Chalice of the Void is very hit or miss in legacy; a wasted slot if it doesn’t interact with the opponent. True-Name Nemesis is either slow or killed by the wealth of removal spells that exist in Legacy. Lands (20)2 x Cavern of Souls16 x Island Creatures (25)4 x Benthic Biomancer4 x Cursecatcher2 x Smuggler’s Copter4 x Phantasmal Image4 x Silvergill Adept4 x Lord of Atlantis4 x Master of the Pearl Trident4 x Merfolk Trickster Other (15)4 x Aether Vial – Foil4 x Spell Pierce4 x Force of Will Sideboard2 x Echoing Truth4 x Counterspell2 x Back to Basics2 x Dismember2 x Tormod’s Crypt1 x Grafdigger’s Cage2 x Relic of Progenitus Buy This List Cryptic is Still Commanding in Modern Merfolk! Nikachu continues to work on Cryptic Command in Modern Merfolk. The card has a lot of promise vs the top decks. It’s an extra counterspell vs combo and control, a way to clear the way vs creature decks, and just general card advantage. Lands18 x Island (256)2 x Mutavault1 x Oboro, Palace in the Clouds Creatures4 x Benthic Biomancer2 x Cursecatcher2 x Mistcaller4 x Silvergill Adept4 x Lord of Atlantis4 x Master of the Pearl Trident4 x Merfolk Trickster4 x Merrow Reejerey Other3 x Aether Vial2 x Spell Pierce2 x Vapor Snag4 x Cryptic Command Sideboard4 x Relic of Progenitus1 x Surgical Extraction4 x Hurkyl’s Recall4 x Wizard’s Retort2 x Dismember Troll Merfolk Ft: Psionic Blast and Mutagenic Growth. Magic Online Gameplay Today we explore new cards for our trolling Modern Merfolk list. Psionic Blast can still kill most of the important creatures like Thing in the Ice and Crackling Drake while pushing the extra points of damage to win the game. Mutagenic Growth will help us win in combat and also push extra points of damage in situations our opponent isn’t suspecting it. Lands4 x Botanical Sanctum11 x Island (259)4 x Mutavault1 x Oboro, Palace in the Clouds Creatures4 x Benthic Biomancer2 x Cursecatcher2 x Mistcaller4 x Silvergill Adept4 x Lord of Atlantis4 x Master of the Pearl Trident4 x Merfolk Trickster4 x Merrow Reejerey Other4 x AEther Vial4 x Mutagenic Growth4 x Psionic Blast Sideboard4 x Relic of Progenitus4 x Spell Pierce3 x Polymorphist’s Jest4 x Wizard’s Retort Buy This List Thanks for tuning in. Support me on Patreon to have access to the Merfolk Strategy Guide! 🙂 Like me on Facebook! Twitter: @nikachumtg Instagram: nikachumtg Check out my Merfolk card Primers! Ep.1 Spreading Seas Ep.2 Aether Vial Ep.3 Cursecatcher Ep.4 Utility Lands Merfolk in Competitive REL! Merfolk in Competitve REL Pt.1: Check out the sequel!: Merfolk in Competitive REL Pt.2 Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName Email Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ