Sarkhan the Masterless is such an exciting card! I ventured to see how well an ALL dragons deck would do in standard. Mono-Red Dragons is still a great deck, but standard has sped up a lot and red is missing out on some key removal pieces. I hope you enjoy the deck & gameplay!


MTG Arena decklist
3 Sarkhan the Masterless (WAR) 143 22 Mountain (RIX) 195 3 Sarkhan, Fireblood (M19) 154 1 Sarkhan, Dragonsoul (M19) 296 3 Dragon's Hoard (M19) 232 4 Dragon Egg (M19) 138 3 Spit Flame (M19) 160 4 Demanding Dragon (M19) 135 3 Verix Bladewing (DAR) 149 4 Skarrgan Hellkite (RNA) 114 2 Lathliss, Dragon Queen (M19) 149 4 Lava Coil (GRN) 108 2 Shivan Fire (DAR) 142 2 Mobilized District (WAR) 249

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