Jester’s ReCap 31: Ultimate Masters Revisited, BnR Blank, Stock Shorting, Artists Are Vendors Now Blake Treleaven December 4, 2018 Jester's reCap 1 Hello Magic Community, It's time again now for the Jester's ReCap, your somewhat regular and sometimes even accurate breakdown of the latest Magic happenings from someone who was kinda paying attention. Just... Read More...
Jester’s ReCap 29 : What Do Pros Deserve? Where Can They Get it? Should Scubs Like Me Care? Blake Treleaven September 25, 2018 Jester's reCap Hello Magic Community. Welcome back to Jester's ReCap, the somewhat satirical, definitely-not-journalism reCap of the last two weeks of Magic News. Or, as it was known this week, me frantically hitting F5 ho... Read More...
Jester’s ReCap 27: Ravnica Again, Bolas’ Minions Blake Treleaven September 11, 2018 Jester's reCap Hello Again Magic Community, Welcome back to the Jester's ReCap. It's not been the fullest week of Magic News, as hype and speculation comes to swirl almost entirely around the release of a new fall set. How... Read More...
Jester’s ReCap 27: A Complete A-hole’s Guide to Cheating Blake Treleaven August 28, 2018 Jester's reCap 3 Hello Magic Community, Welcome back to the Jester's ReCap, where today we're going to do things a little differently. These past few weeks there's been a lot of discussion about cheating, largely prompted by... Read More...
Jester’s ReCap 26 : Nexus of Hate, Arena Events, Magic Top 64 Bracket Blake Treleaven August 14, 2018 Jester's reCap Hello Again Magic Community, Welcome back to the Jester's ReCap, that thing you click on twice a month with the hope that this time I'll be funny but usually you just settle for me being hilariously wrong. B... Read More...
Jester’s ReCap 25: This Almost Didn’t Happen Because Arena’s so Good Blake Treleaven July 31, 2018 Jester's reCap Hello Magic Community, Welcome back to Jester's ReCap, a semi-monthly article series where I am supposed to ReCap all the goings on in Magic you have too much social life or pride to immerse yourself in. Jus... Read More...
Jester’s ReCap 24: Annual Re-ReCap Blake Treleaven July 17, 2018 Jester's reCap 1 Hello Magic Community, Welcome back to the Jester's ReCap, the place you've been coming for terrible Magic News for an entire year! One year of pissing and moaning and occasionally being funny. To celebrate,... Read More...
Jester’s ReCap 23: More Bolas Biography, Card Warping Caught, Worlds Blake Treleaven July 3, 2018 Jester's reCap Hello again Magic Community, Welcome once again to the Jester's ReCap, a place to catch up on all the latest Magic News without trying very hard, so long as your standards are low enough. It's been a slow st... Read More...
Jester’s ReCap 22: Buy-A-Box Promos, The Twins, GDS 3 Finale, and M19 Spoilers Blake Treleaven June 19, 2018 Jester's reCap Hello Again Magic Community, Welcome back to the Jester's ReCap, a source of Magic news that does no research, rarely corrects itself and mostly decides what to discuss based on the writer's personal prefere... Read More...
Jester’s ReCap 21: M19 Spoilers Begin, GDS 3 Continues, Dominaria’s Story Concludes Blake Treleaven June 5, 2018 Jester's reCap 1 Hello again Magic Community, Welcome back to the Jester's ReCap, that thing I do because screaming opinions about Magic into the dark void of the night tends to piss off the neighbours. Plus, my voice breaks... Read More...