Commander ad Populum, Ep 168: Learning from a Salty Situation Ryan Peneff December 15, 2021 Commander, Commander ad Populum When have you ever gotten salty? Do you think it was warranted, now that you've calmed down and reflected on the situation? Was it just a bad beat? Was it actually your fault? This week, on Commander ad Populum... Read More...
Salt Road Patrol: Getting Top Decked After Christmas Chris Cardwell January 2, 2017 Salt Road Patrol 1 Hey all, welcome to Salt Road Patrol, it's the Christmas season but to be honest, I've got a lot of problems with you people, and you're gonna hear about them. 4) Living in an MTG Voi... Read More...
Salt Road Patrol: Episode 5 Chris Cardwell December 20, 2016 Chris Cardwell 4 Hey all. With spoiler season getting ready to ramp up I thought I’d pre-empt it with a few points about it. Let’s go: 5)The spoiler season I haven’t formally made a ranked list of things that make... Read More...
Salt Road Patrol: Episode 4 Chris Cardwell December 5, 2016 Salt Road Patrol 17 Hey all. I recently went to time in a match of magic and am extremely salty about it so lets not waste anymore time and get into it: 4) EV Considerations: Lately I've been hearing a lot of people talk... Read More...
Salt Road Patrol: What is the Deal with Control Players? Chris Cardwell November 21, 2016 Salt Road Patrol Hey all, welcome to episode 3 of the Salt Road Patrol. Lets go: 4) Going to time 50 Minutes is plenty of time to get through a match of magic, but I see the same players consistently going to time... Read More...